Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Apple's new iPhone SE vs. the rumored 'iPhone 7! Buy now or wait?

It's been more than six months since the launch of the iPhone 6s. And while the iPhone 6s is a fantastic phone, we're now closer to the anticipated debut of an "iPhone 7" than we are to last year's launch of the iPhone 6s.

That puts prospective iPhone buyers in somewhat of a gray area. And for some, the launch of the iPhone SE may have muddied the waters even further.

For those unsure what to do, here's a helpful guide to deciding what's right for you.

Yes, there will still be an "iPhone 7" this fall

The launch of the new 4-inch iPhone SE has generated some anxiety that Apple may not launch a new flagship model this fall. Don't worry: All indications are that a full-fledged "iPhone 7" and "iPhone 7 Plus" are still in the cards.

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Sizing up your options

The newly launched 4-inch iPhone SE will likely remain in Apple's lineup for awhile — Apple isn't expected to revamp that form factor this year. And it may not even touch it next year either.

So if you were holding out hope for a new 4-inch iPhone, right now is the time to buy. Apple's latest update is powerful and competitively priced, and it's expected to remain as-is through the end of 2016 and beyond.

Timing, timing, timing

If you can wait, and you prefer larger (and better) screens on your iPhone, you probably want to put away your wallet and be patient. The "iPhone 7" is expected to be a big upgrade — the biggest since the iPhone 6.

Why wait? Well, if you're looking for the best in mobile technology, and you've already made it this long without an iPhone 6s, you'll be happier if you hold off.

Of course, not everyone can wait. Maybe your old iPhone 5s finally bit the dust. Maybe you dropped your iPhone 6 in the ocean and the cost of repairing it is prohibitive, but you still need a smartphone for the next six months. Maybe you don't really care about the latest and greatest.

The headphone factor

Finally, let's touch on one persistent — but unconfirmed — rumor about the "iPhone 7." Namely, that itwon't have a 3.5-millimeter headphone jack.

Even here, we think it's best to wait. If the "iPhone 7" truly does launch without a headphone jack, and that's a dealbreaker for you, the current iPhone 6s will almost assuredly drop in price by at least $100.

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