Monday, May 9, 2016

iPhone with NO dual camera lens!

This new leak is a bit underwhelming compared to what we saw last month; an iPhone with dual camera lens and a Smart Connector port. While there are still several months until the unveiling of the next iPhone, Tim Cook has promised that whatever may come, will offer "great innovation, and give you things you can't live without".
The image also offers dimensions that look to be in line with the current iPhone 6s.

The flow of iPhone rumors has been steady over the past couple of months, with strong evidence that next iPhone may skew from a traditional port and camera setup.
According to NowhereElse, a site that has had a decent track record when it comes to leaks, a new image shows that the next iPhone will go against previous reports, and offer a more traditional setup with a single camera lens. While this is all hearsay at this point, the new schematic shows a single lens, with what looks to be a slightly thicker protrusion than what can be found on the current model.

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